Most of us are fighting with time and trying to eat healthy. Besides eating three healthy meals, it is beneficial to eat healthy snacks. Snacking helps maintain your blood sugar levels and prevents overeating.
Here are some ideas for healthy snacking:
Yogurt and Granola: Yogurt contains calcium and vitamin D, which helps strengthen bone, and protein, which promotes lean muscles
Mixed Nuts: Contain protein and vitamin D, which has been shown to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease
Fruit: Add pineapple and mango to get your daily Vitamin C intake
Ants on a Log: Pack peanut butter in a celery stick and top it with raisins
Popcorn: Popcorn is rich in fiber and low in calories
Nutrition Bar: Choose a bar that has less than 200 calories, is high in protein, has more fiber, and has less sugar and fat
Hard Boiled Egg: This 70-calorie snack is rich in protein
Edamame: Try 1/4 cup of this tasty treat, which is high in fiber and protein
Tomato Juice: Just 4 ounces allows you to drink your vegetable intake
Before your work week, prepare a few of these snacks to bring on the go, and get a jumpstart on your summer diet. Enjoy!